Birth Stories and Testimonials
*Click on each quote below to read the full birth story!

First time mamas:
“Julie was helpful not only with the emotional aspects of me but also with Matt. She provided support, comfort, reassurance and care throughout the labor. She encouraged and fostered our teamwork as a couple and provided emotional stability for both of us.
As a couple, we were very flexible with our birth plan. We were going to attempt natural childbirth knowing we had options if needed. We took the traditional childbirth class at Rose and went into labor with an open and educated mind. Julie provided both of us the physical and emotional support that cannot be learned in a class or through a textbook. We cannot express how lucky we feel to have Julie with us during the birth of our son.”
~Rachel, Mother of Noah
“As soon as we called Julie she was on her way! Right away upon Julie’s arrival to my labor and delivery room she made suggestions on different positions I could labor in and how my husband could help relieve some of the pain by pressing on certain pressure point. We welcomed her and all of her suggestions with open arms! After all, she is the expert and this was our first birthing experience. She walked the halls with me and helped me in and out of the labor tub. She knew who to ask and where to find additional items I needed like towels, a gown, pillows and more.
When I thought I could not continue she suggested I try getting into the tub to ease my contractions. Her suggestion saved me from begging for medication. Her calming presence made me feel instantly comfortable with her and she eased my worries as labor progressed. Reassuring me and my husband that I could do it without medication because that is what I wished. Julie became our rock.
Julie and my husband took turns breathing with me, holding my hand, massaging my shoulders and so much more. They worked well together to help me have the labor experience I wanted. She gave my husband and I space to labor together, but was always nearby to relieve him of his duties so he could rest and keep up his strength too so that he could support me over a long period of time.
I would not have been able to labor or deliver without medication if not for the support of Julie, my doula. I will never forget her and how much she helped me have the birthing experience I wanted.”
~Grace, mother of Rebecca
“Julie was extremely helpful to me in managing my pain. She talked me through painful contractions and kept me changing positions to keep me calm. Julie was so helpful to me by keeping me calm and coaching my breathing.
My husband was very grateful that Julie was there. She helped him to help me, and had so many good ideas. I would definitely use a doula (and Julie in particular) again. She was awesome. I would recommend her to anyone. This was the best choice we made in labor.”
~Caroline, mother to Lucy Anne
“Our initial birth plan was to labor un-medicated as long as possible, and make the decision about medications once the pain was not manageable with coping techniques. Julie was tremendously helpful in suggesting new coping techniques that my husband and I would not have been able to come up with on our own, and she was also very helpful in demonstrating and performing those coping techniques and helping me to rest between contractions. Julie immediately set a very calming and nurturing atmosphere, and my husband and I were immediately comfortable with her presence in the room. As the contractions intensified, Julie provided lots of physical help while still maintaining a calm demeanor and reassuring me along the way.”
~Sarah, mother of Colette
“Hi Julie, I just wanted to take the time to thank you, so very much, for your Doula support during our labor and delivery of Oliver Thomas. I honestly can say I had an amazing experience overall and having your support through it was a huge part of that being possible. Even Nick kept saying how happy he was to have you there, for many reasons :). There just simply aren’t enough words to describe how grateful we are.”
~Valerie, mother of Oliver

Husbands and partners:
“Julie meets parents where they are (rather than pushing her own agenda) and therefore we would feel confident in recommending her services to other couples. The network of other pregnancy, labor, and post-pregnancy (incl. lactation) professionals that Julie works with and refers is an added bonus!”
~Jeremy, husband of Diana
“[It was] comforting to know that my wife had an expert in the room the entire time helping coach her. Julie also gave me tips on how to coach my wife. We were so thankful to have Julie with us as it made our natural childbirth a reality due to her coaching and techniques.
Julie-you were AWESOME & we so appreciate everything you did! :)”
~Don, husband of Amanda
“Julie was right on the same page with us, and from the moment we met her I could tell that she was going to be a great help. In fact, once Julie arrived and my wife had her next contraction, I noticed that Julie stepped in immediately and helped to find the best coping technique. From my perspective, one thing that I think was especially helpful was that she was able to keep a very calm, relaxed demeanor through the most difficult times; this helped us both since we otherwise would have felt more stressed. This was probably the most amazing event I’ve ever experienced, and Julie’s presence and help really kept us both in the right frame of mind to appreciate and share this experience.
She was tremendously useful; Julie came prepared with everything that we could have needed and forgot, and several things that we did not even know that we needed. She created a nice calm environment in the room and made it very easy for us to ask her to take care of both important and peripheral tasks.
I was concerned that she would come in with a ‘take charge’ attitude and want to do things her way, and that she might come between the two of us. In reality, Julie did everything possible to do things our way and preserve the bonding experience. She offered suggestions in a very kind way, and whenever a personal situation came up she instinctively volunteered to step out of the room if she thought we needed time alone. We would definitely choose Julie again if we have any more children in our future!”
Would you recommend Julie to other birthing couples? “Yes, 100%.”
~Dennis, husband to Sarah
“Julie knew exactly what to say to give Caroline confidence during the whole process. [she] took care to show me what she was doing as well as making sure that I was caring for myself so that I might better support Caroline. [she] gave us awesome support as well as a grounded assessment in key moments. For me, Julie’s presence was very reassuring and I appreciated her honest assessment as the labor progressed. Julie did everything to be as supportive as possible. I’m really grateful that Julie helped us and was present at the birth of my first child.”
~Brian, husband of Caroline
“Without Julie, I am sure that I would not have been as successful in my role as support for my wife as I was, and my wife may not have gotten the birth experience that she wanted. Julie not only acted as a fantastic intermediary between me and the doctors and nurses, but she was also willing to run for ice chips, cool rags and anything else that we needed. This allowed me to stay with my wife and give her the support that she needed without ever leaving her side.
I would strongly recommend Julie as a support during labor. We knew that she would be helpful, but she far surpassed our expectations. We could not have done labor in such a calm and relaxing manner without her guidance. Having someone in the room (especially when the nurses and doctors left) was key to me and my wife remaining calm and getting the amazing opportunity to have a completely natural birth. The techniques that she gave me to use, and those that she used herself helped my wife tremendously, and empowered me. Having 4 hands instead of 2 inexperienced ones cannot be overlooked.
If you want to ensure that you can provide your wife/partner with all the support that she needs, make sure that you have the support that you need as a partner. Julie provided me with that support throughout the labor. If I have my way, she will be at all our future births, should we be lucky enough to give our baby boy some siblings.”
~Matt, husband of Rachel, father of Noah

Unmedicated mamas:
“In sharing our birth story with friends and family we have repeatedly emphasized how integral you were in the helping us have the birth experience we were hoping to have. Thank you so much for your support, patience, expertise, and guidance through the process. Thank you too for staying late. Wow, what a long day for you! I never felt you were wanting to leave. I felt you were 150% by my side and supporting the birth of our son the entire time. I really appreciate that! I imagine the n-th hour it gets exhausting for everyone.
I truly believe without you, [the delivery nurse], Brandon, and the strong vitals of our new little man Alden we would have found ourselves being encouraged to have interventions. I appreciate your advice to try different positions, to move around, I love that you held my hand, massaged my arm, and counted to 10 when I was pushing. Thanks too for letting Brandon borrow your glasses! We still laugh about that. Thanks again for everything Julie!”
~Jessica, mother of Alden
“I wanted to thank you sooo much for everything. I definitely think you played a big role in a successful natural birth! It was so wonderful to have your knowledge and prompting for ways to advance labor both at the house and at the hospital. And your encouragement during pushing played a vital role in my stamina to keep going. I really think that bringing you into our birth team was the best investment we could have made in the experience. I could not be happier with how everything worked out and am so grateful for everyone who helped make that possible.”
~Brittany, mother of Taran
“This is WAY overdue, but we wanted to sincerely thank you for all you did during the labor and delivery of our daughter, Nora. The encouragement, support, and the “tricks” you showed us were definitely the difference between a natural childbirth and pain medication for me. I know I could not have done it without you!! Not only did you offer support for me when I needed it most, you were also there for Stu when he was feeling pretty helpless.
We’re so grateful for your kindness and gentleness, even when things got really intense in the delivery room. You truly helped us achieve our goal of a natural childbirth 🙂 I would encourage every mother to have a doula (especially you) present during labor, whether they plan to get an epidural or not. Thank you again for being such an amazing support during Nora’s birth. We are forever grateful!!”
~Bridget (mother of Nora)
“I really appreciated Julie’s suggestions on different positions and natural pain relief techniques to help me get through the labor. I don’t think I could have made it through the process medication-free without Julie’s coaching. Time in the tub, walking the halls and sitting on the ball helped break up the time and the pain.
Julie had a calming presence and made us feel safe and supported throughout the whole process. We hadn’t met Julie in advance – we had only talked on the phone. But the moment she arrived, she made us feel at ease and we knew we had made the right choice. It was wonderful to have an experienced professional with us to coach us both through the process.
Julie made my husband feel comfortable and showed him how to help me. This kept us both calm and most likely prevented a good deal of frustration on my behalf! I’ve been telling everyone how happy we were to have the support of a doula during our labor and delivery. Hiring Julie was the best thing we could have done and made the delivery a very positive experience. Having Julie there to talk us through the process helped eliminate anxiety. Our nurses were fantastic, but we really appreciated having someone there just for us the whole time.
I already have been recommending doula support to other friends who are expecting. If we have a second child, I hope Julie will still be practicing and available to help us again. I can’t say enough good things about Julie, her services and professionalism. She helped us through the most intense experience of our life so far with quiet confidence and encouragement.
Julie helped us realize our goal of a natural birth – I don’t think we could have done it without her. The entire experience was incredibly positive and we are forever grateful for her help. We also really appreciate the pictures she took during the delivery – we look at them often and are glad she had the presence of mind to capture these special moments!”
~Alexis, mother to Ainslee
“When Julie came in and gave my husband a break, I was so glad to see her! Her massage and pressure were perfect – and I didn’t have to suggest anything (as I had when trying to coach my husband about my needs). My husband was especially relieved when Julie arrived. She watched us labor through a contraction or two together, then affirmed our connection and how we were working together. She gave him tips about pressure points and massage – and she also asked him if he needed a break. Which he did! He told me later that simply walking out of the labor and delivery room to get a coffee gave him the energy he needed to partner me through to the end. In the final pushing stage, she again gave him practical, physical tips – and asked him to give her our camera. She took a test shot or two with him and was then ready to capture all of the first and most tender, intimate moments of our daughter’s birth.
Without Julie, our little stargazer would have been born facing up, rather than in the usual backward-facing position. She suggested a lunging position to help turn the baby, and that expedited the labor. The pain shifted away from my lower back, and within 5-8 contractions, I felt a massive energy churning within me and knew that Lillian had moved. …in the final pushing stages, when my doctor suggested rolling over from my right side onto my back, the only clear thought I had was fear. I pictured the pelvic bones from our child-birthing class, and heard our instructor say how easily I could break my tailbone or rip apart in that position. The nurses and doctor all urged me to move, and I vehemently shook my head, then turned to Julie (who was applying pressure to my back). Gently, respectfully, she whispered to me, “At this late stage of labor, you would actually help the baby by rolling onto your back. The birth canal is currently twisted, and she won’t have to work as hard if you’ll roll over and straighten it out.” The fear flooded away, and I agreed to move – giving birth just shortly thereafter.
Even without ever mentioning God or faith, she brought a spiritual, connected element to our birth – and I can’t imagine it without her. I am filled with deep gratitude at Julie’s ability to listen through what is being said to the true heart of a matter. When my husband explained that he thought I was further along than the nurses supposed, she listened to him and asked them to finally check my cervix for the first time. I was fully dilated (10 cm) and ready to begin pushing. Everyone was in awe, including me. And I was grateful to have two advocates and partners by my side – my husband and our doula: an unbeatable combination!”
~Emily, mother of Lillian

High risk/complicated birth:
“I hired Julie for the birth of my first child. I was going through a difficult time and had a lot of questions during my pregnancy. Julie offered so much more than support; she had knowledge, recommendations, personal experience, and a friendly ear when I needed it. Her experience as a labor and delivery nurse combined with her doula training gave us the best of both worlds as she literally held my hand and guided me through 17 hours of hard labor. She was there for me when everyone else had gone home, fallen asleep or changed shifts. Today we have a beautiful and healthy baby boy and as we continue to build our family we will always keep Julie in our lives as a doula for future babies and as a friend.”
~Kathryn, mother of Dylan
“[Julie] provided great support for my labor by using a heated roll in places where the epidural was less effective, massaging my feet (which helped speed up labor and help me relax), adjusting my position back and forth with pillows, and finally assisting when it came to pushing.
Her help was instrumental in lending a positive atmosphere to the experience! She prayed with me when I asked, turned on relaxing music, and most of all talked about a lot of different things with me. Our shared experiences with birth and miscarriage really helped me feel supported, like I had a team member with me who’d already been through the same things.
I absolutely recommend her services to any birthing couple, regardless of the type of birth they have planned! Her expertise and emotional support were a vital source of the positive experience I had with my birthing.”
~Andrea, mother of Sean Patrick
Hi Julie, I know it’s been almost 2 weeks, but I could not miss out on thanking you for everything you did for the birth of our little baby Stella. You were only present for a few hours but you helped us and supported us via phone during the early stages and in the labor room for the hard stuff, adding a calming and knowledgeable presence to the room. Thank you for letting me wake you up so early and answering your phone with a cheerful attitude! And thank you sooooo much for taking all those awesome pictures! That was an amazing unexpected bonus that we will treasure forever!
We are all doing so great! I feel so blessed to have experienced such a complication-free pregnancy and delivery, and for getting my heart’s desire – a medication- and intervention-free VBAC. Baby Stella is so perfect and Eric and I couldn’t be more happy! Thank you for being a part of such an important day in our lives!
The Happy Parents, Julia & Eric
Julie was so helpful in moving my labor along. Although my contractions had started using Pitocin (induction), I hadn’t progressed much within a few hours of having my water broken. When Julie arrived, she aided me in getting out of bed to use the birthing ball, a chair, and standing positions as my contractions got stronger. Ultimately I think it was these techniques that ultimately caused me to dilate much faster.
Later on when I was ready to push, Julie made several suggestions about different positions and ways I could bear down and work through contractions, helping me stay focused and use my energy the best way possible to avoid a c-section when the baby was stubbornly pushing up against my pelvis.
Although my husband was incredibly supportive, he does not handle needles and general procedures like cervical checks well, so we were both grateful to have Julie present for emotional support (particularly during the epidural procedure). I felt as if Julie was a champion in my corner, encouraging me to work through my contractions as long as I could, which I appreciated. Later while I was pushing, Julie helped coach my husband so that he could eventually take over and guide me through the delivery.
…hiring labor support turned out to be the single best decision we made in the whole process.Even prior to being admitted into the hospital, I felt as if Julie made an effort to get to know us as a family and talk me through the induction procedure so I had a better idea of what it would be like during labor and delivery.
On the day of the birth, I felt calm and collected… Julie ended up being part of an experience that I fondly look back on and feel so positive about. We had a couple of small speed bumps during the induction (baby’s heartbeat slowed a bit from the combination of medication), but never once did I feel a loss of control or worry because between Julie, the nurses at Rose, and my husband, I was so supported and taken care of.”
~Brittany, mother of Charlotte
We felt that this service was worth every penny. Julie had me move in different positions particularly on my side while pushing because the baby was face up and it was difficult to move her out. She gave lots of encouragement to me during the delivery of my baby. Before pushing, she played an audio of a relaxation specialist, so that I could begin to relax for delivery. She also spent time talking to us about what would happen. This was also helpful in relaxing us.
She was helpful in telling my husband things he could do to help and his role during pushing. He was very pleased with how much she helped us both move the baby out and NOT have to have a c-section. She was good about giving my husband and I time on our own before pushing.
[I would recommend Julie to other birthing couples because] she knew what I wanted in terms of my delivery and stuck with that plan. When the doctor said I should prepare for c-section, she did everything she could to help me and my husband successfully have a vaginal birth.”
~Justine and Darren, parents of Delany

Hypno-birth/Home Birth mamas:
“As we were going to the recovery room, a nurse in the hall stopped us and said she heard about our hypnobirth and she wanted to come in and watch but she knew she was too chatty and she would be disruptive. I responded that we couldn’t have done it without our doula Julie. You were truly a lifesaver.
I don’t know how you managed through 6 hours of massage and counter pressure and my attitude, but I know I couldn’t have stayed drug free without you. The delivering OB also had really nice things to say about you when she rounded later that day. She said she recognized you from other deliveries and you are always such a great addition to the delivery team. She also said ours was one of the most successful hypnobirths she had ever seen, and again I credited you.
Words cannot express our gratitude, especially in my current exhausted state, but I wanted you to know what a critical role you played in helping us achieve the healthy, drug free birth we desired. Bryan and I both agree that hiring you as our Doula was the best pregnancy investment we made and I do not believe I would have stayed with our drug-free birth plan without your support. I just can’t wait to be pregnant again so we can work together again! Thanks for everything!”
~Aimee, mother of Dakota
Julie was very professional & supportive of how we wanted to handle our birth. She took extra time to meet with us & go over everything. We liked the fact that she is a nurse. [The techniques suggested] made me more comfortable during my labor & helped with the process. I enjoyed being in the tub & on the birth ball during labor. I don’t know that I would have been able to have the natural childbirth I wanted if Julie hadn’t been there.”
~Amanda, mother of Anna
“Julie’s techniques and suggestions were SUPER helpful in working through my contractions. I especially loved her soothing back and foot rubs. She also used this hand/arm holding method that really helped with the contractions. She used a warm rice sock that she placed over my neck, which helped when my body temperature dropped. She told me how to push effectively, which I didn’t have any prior experience in.
Julie’s presence definitely helped me in keeping my emotions together. Her soft soothing voice was just what I needed and wanted to stay calm through the labor and delivery process. And even though I don’t remember much of our conversations throughout the labor process, it helped to have these conversations with her, so that my attention could be elsewhere, instead of being overwhelmed by the strong contractions.
A few times during labor, I remember telling Julie that I didn’t think I could get through this labor. But she gently reminded me that I was doing a great job and that I could get through it. Actually, she reminded me during every contraction that I was doing a great job. She always stayed so positive with me, even though I felt like giving up quite a few times.
I couldn’t have gone through an unmedicated, natural childbirth without Julie’s help. …she went above and beyond her call of duty. I was amazed at how prepared she was, with her peppermint oil drops (very refreshing), heated rice sock, etc.”
Would you recommend Julie to other birthing couples? ”ABSOLUTELY!!!! Anyone and everyone who wants to have a calmer childbirth should do it with Julie’s help.”
~Faith, mother of Winston
“ [Julie] has a lot of experience with labor and delivery and is open to whatever your ideal birth plan is. She encouraged me to “sway” in the tub…to handle the pain of contractions. She kept me calm, positive and excited about the upcoming birth. She stayed calm too, which helped me feel good about where I was at in the experience.
I don’t feel like I could have done it without Julie! She was not only supportive to my husband, baby and I, but all of my friends and family loved her: Even our OB/GYN wants her information to recommend her to other patients…. The nurses at the hospital noticed and commented on how alert the baby was and how well he nursed right away. They said how they’d been taught there’s no difference in the epidural and natural babies but seeing him made them think otherwise. Thank you!”
~Michelle, mother of Lincoln
“I couldn’t have done this without Julie. She was very calm and talked me through the entire process. When I wanted to give up, she encouraged me to keep going. It was nice to have another professional in the room whose focus was entirely on helping me.
My husband and I did not take any child-birthing classes prior to me going into labor. Because of this, we wanted to have a doula there for support not only for me, but for him as well. She was able to get him actively involved in the process and helping coach me through my breathing. I believe that having Julie there as our doula made my husband feel more comfortable helping me during the experience and he was also able to appreciate the birth of our daughter more because there was someone there who was supporting HIM. Julie has a very calming presence about her that is much needed in the birthing room, especially for first time parents.
Our baby was not receiving adequate amounts of oxygen after she was born. Julie was very quick to reassure myself and my husband that this was fairly typical of babies born at higher altitude. I believe Julie went above and beyond her duties when I asked her to go inform my family that our daughter was being given additional oxygen. Julie did not even hesitate. My family was very impressed with her compassion and level of professionalism. My father, who has no idea what a doula is or does, couldn’t stop talking about how at ease Julie had made him and the rest of my family feel.”
~Sarah, mother of Adalynn