a little More about me

My birth stories:
I gave birth to my first daughter in 1997. Because she was breech I needed to have her by c-section. She was very healthy and sweet, and she caught on to breastfeeding right away. I unfortunately I become very sleep deprived and experienced postpartum depression which went undiagnosed. The first few months were very difficult, but with time I started to enjoy my new role as a mother, thanks to the support of family and friends.

Two years later my second daughter was born after 49 hours of prolonged labor attempting a VBAC. A lot of medical interventions were necessary to avoid another c-section and she was finally assisted out by the use of forceps. She was so alert and affectionate that I bonded with her immediately. But I found breast-feeding extremely challenging and I didn’t get the help I needed, so I formula fed her from six weeks on.

I gave birth to my third daughter in a quick and easy unmedicated labor about an hour after walking into the hospital to get a cervical check to see if I was in labor. My poor husband was late to the delivery since the birth came so much faster than the previous one, and he didn’t get to meet her until she was an hour old. She turned out to be a great nurser and an “easy” baby with a headful of long, thick, black hair, which made her look like a baby doll. Her older sisters adored her.

My fourth and final daughter was born in 2003 with her oldest sister insisting on attending her birth. I again found breastfeeding a challenge, and it only lasted two months. But right away my little newborn’s sweet and spunky personality brought so much joy that our little family finally felt complete.
I am now “officially” done raising my kids and I am enjoying a new role of being a grandma to their babies!
my education and experience:
In July of 1997, I earned my degree as a Colorado licensed Registered Nurse after completing my time as an intern at Saint Joseph Hospital in the Labor & Delivery unit
In 2000 and 2001, I enjoyed working at Arapahoe County Detention Center as an on-call “County Jail Nurse” with the inmate population
June of 2008, I completed my Labor Doula training through CAPPA. In April of 2010, I completed my certification requirements and began full-time work as a Labor Doula
From 2010-2020, I worked as an On-call Doula at Rose Medical Center, boosting the popularity of the Doula Connections Program, and attending over 600 births in my time there
In March of 2012, I completed my Lactation Educator training through CAPPA
In 2017, I certified to become a Hypnobabies® Hypno-Doula for couples who have taken a Hypnobabies® course
In the first half of 2020 I worked at Denver Wellness Center attending unmedicated births alongside some amazing midwives in the cute little birthing center
From July 2020-January 2022, I worked at Cherry Hills Surgery Center as a Pre-op and PACU nurse
From November 2021- August 2024, I worked at Trusted Ally Home Care as a Nursing Case Manager, providing quality in-home assessments and end-of-life care to former workers of Rocky Flats
I am now stepping back into the doula role again taking just one or two clients a month as a “semi-retired” doula! (I just can’t seem to stay away!)

My Birth Philosophy:
I understand that every birth experience is as different and unique as the mother herself.
I believe birth is best experienced as a normal bodily process. I encourage every birthing mom to let labor progress naturally until, or unless, the time comes when medical interventions are desired or necessary.